If Rowena is nervous about the class discussion, the reason may be likely she is afraid to express her thoughts in regards of the discussion that is being held. In order for her to make a contribution to the discussion, she should at least pay attention and listen to the speaker in means of having to understand the discussion and a way of participating in the discussion without being more actively participating.
In the play <em>Othello</em>, we see that Cassio is a man who is proud of his polite behaviour. He is a gentleman, and is interested in being thought of in that way.
One instance in which this becomes clear is in the case of his greeting of Emilia and Desdemona. When Cassio greets them, he is very affectionate. He considers this to be good manners, and the correct way to treat a lady. However, Iago uses this charm to plot against Cassio and Othello, by convincing Othello that Cassio is having an affair with Desdemona.
The internet came to be because of how everyone communicated and how many people use it.