1. The right answer is B. Little interest in activities once enjoyed.
Most often, when the term "depression" is used in a medical context, it refers to major depression (sometimes called "severe depression").
This is characterized by one or more episodes of at least 2 weeks.
Among the symptoms we find: A marked decrease in interest or pleasure for all, or almost all, activities, most of the day, almost every day (reported by the person or observed by others).
2. The right answer is C. Dysthymic disorder
Dysthymia is a chronic mood disorder involving a depressive spectrum. It is considered chronic depression, but less severe than clinical depression. This disorder is a chronic and persistent disease. The term is attributed to James Kocsis during the 1970s.
Dysthymia is a type of average depression. Since dysthymia is a depressive disorder, patients can experience it for several years before being diagnosed (if no apparent symptoms occur). Often patients may believe that depression is part of their character, and so do not talk about their symptoms to their doctor, family, or friends.
3. The right answer is B. Phobia disorder
A phobia is an excessive and irrational fear of a specific object or situation. It may be agoraphobia (fear of crowds and public places), specific phobias such as claustrophobia (fear of closed spaces), or social phobia, which is a disabling fear of social relations such as taking public speaking, meeting new people or the opinion or judgment of others. Phobia is usually felt to be irrational by the patient himself
4. The right answer is B. Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Generalized anxiety disorder has important effects on the functioning of the person in his everyday life. It affects his relationships and his family, social and professional activities.
Generalized anxiety disorder is part of the larger family of anxiety disorders.
People with generalized anxiety disorder experience a high level of anxiety and worry continuously over a period of at least 6 months.
5. The right answer is Jane will crash into a low depression.
Bipolar disorder (2 poles), or manic-depressive disorder, is a psychiatric diagnosis describing a category of mood disorders defined by fluctuating moods, fluctuating between periods of elevated mood, periods of depression and periods of moderate mood (normothymia) and irritability.
The signs and symptoms of the depressive phase of bipolar disorder include persistent feelings of sadness, anxiety, guilt, anger, isolation or hopelessness; sleep and appetite disorders; fatigue and loss of interest in the activities; concentration problems; loneliness, self-hatred, apathy or indifference; depersonalization; shyness or anxiety; aggression, chronic suffering (with or without apparent cause); lack of motivation ; and morbid suicidal ideation. In severe cases, the individual may experience delirium or, less commonly, hallucinations. A major depressive episode may persist for more than six months if left untreated.
6. The right answer is post-traumatic stress disorder.
It is a severe anxiety disorder that arises as a result of a traumatic event that eventually led to death. The person with post-traumatic stress disorder may be the victim of the event itself or the witness of a disaster involving many victims.
The main symptoms of post-traumatic stress are insomnia, nightmares, irritability, isolation, anger, fear, sometimes violence or pathological behavior (alcoholism ...) and even depression. In some people, post-traumatic stress can lead to more disabling disorders such as avoidance (avoid crowd, public transport ...).
There is also a "survivor syndrome" among victims or witnesses who develop a sense of guilt because they are alive and others have died at the scene of the disaster.
7. The right answer is major depressive disorder.
Clinical depression or major depressive disorder or MDD is the most important type of depression, in terms of prevalence and severity, but the symptoms and their intensity vary considerably among individuals. People with major depression do not necessarily have suicidal tendencies and may never have received medical treatment. These people's interest in and enjoyment of many activities, their energy level, their eating habits and the phases of their sleep are changing.
<u>Among the triggers of depression, we find:
* painful or traumatic events (such as loss of a loved one, emotional breakdown, dismissal);
* medical conditions such as Parkinson's disease, stroke, lupus, hypothyroidism, chronic pain and some forms of cancer;
* the use of certain medications, including corticosteroids, anabolic steroids, narcotics, benzodiazepines, progesterone (contained in some female hormone pills) and illicit drugs such as amphetamines;
* alcohol, which has depressive effects of short duration and perhaps even long-term.