The chief ethical concern is "Privacy".
A negative aspect of an enormous number of sources available on internet is the concerns about privacy. Web privacy includes the privilege or command of individual protection concerning the sorting, re-purposing, arrangement to outsiders, and showing of data relating to someone through the Internet.Internet security is a subset of data privacy. Privacy concerns have been enunciated from the beginnings of substantial scale PC sharing.
The answer is A. The Ribbon is a UI component which was presented by Microsoft in Microsoft Office 2007. It is situated underneath the Quick Access Toolbar and the Title Bar. It includes seven tabs; Home, Insert, Page design, References, Mailing, Review and View. Every tab has particular gatherings of related summons.
For tools, I would simply use Adobe Photoshop to create the label/poster for the brand of soup. In order to make the poster or representation of the soup look homemade, I would place a picture of a kid drinking the soup at a kitchen table with a picture of the mom in the background kitchen. Then I would create a light yellowish tint in the image and steam coming from the soup bowl. This would help the brand represent a form of memory to a delicious homemade meal by a parent.
Restore is a procedure to copy one or more files from backup media to the original disk or a replacement disk when data or programs have been erased or destroyed.