The Puritans wanted religious independence
B. Weber's law.
Weber's law: The Weber's law is also known as the Weber-Fechner law and is defined as the size of JND i.e, just noticeable difference (represented with delta I) is of constant proportion to that of the value of the original stimulus. In other words, the law states that the increment threshold ratio concerning the background intensity is similar.
Example: A person needs to shout to be heard by the person in any noisy place.
In the question above, the given statement best illustrates the Webers's law.
I would have to say false - as churches are completely full of icons. What is forbidden is statue.
The damage may have resulted in <span>brain lesion
</span><span>brain lesion refers to the abnormal formation of your brain's blood vessels.
</span>The only way for us to spot a brain lesion is by using imaging technology such as MRI. If left untreated, brain lesion could lead to change in personality, loss in memory, or even brain aneurysm.
Las notas musicales: Son 7 notas básicas: Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, La, Si.