The average distance of Neptune from the Sun is 2,795,084,800 miles or 4,498,252,900 kilometers. Because its orbit is elliptical, its distance from the Sun changes depending on where it is in its orbit. The closest Neptune gets to the Sun is 2,771,087,000 miles or 4,459,630,000 kilometers. The farthest it gets from the Sun is 2,819,080,000 miles or 4,536,870,000 kilometers.
So you wanna find the area of each surface:
For the large square surface in the top you do 12*15=180 and there are two large squares faces so you multiply 180 by 2 which equals 360 then you find the small rectangle faces: 5*15=75 and multiply by 2 Bc there are 2 faces like that so it would be 75*2=150 then for the last faces you do 12*5= 60 *2= 120 at the end I add all of the faces up, 360+150+120=630
Step-by-step explanation:
x² - 4x - 5 = 0
x² - 5x + x - 5 = 0
x(x - 5) + (x -5) = 0
(x - 5)(x + 1) = 0
x - 5 = 0 ; x + 1 = 0
x = 5 ; x = -1