Lupercalia and Saturnalia were two major holidays in Rome. Lupercalia was a holiday that was filled with animal sacrifice and random coupling in hopes of warding off evil spirits and fertility. Saturnalia was quite the opposite, a holiday for gambling, singing, dancing, feasting, and giving gifts. It was a bit like Christmas, in a way.
Its leaders knew it could not win the war. The United States, the British Empire, and China had called for the unconditional surrender of the Japanese armed forces in the Potsdam Declaration (July 1945) but Japan didn't.
Answer: Ancient Greece left a great mark on Roman civilization.
Greek influence is evident in many segments of Roman civilization. A strong reflection on Greek art, architecture, and religion is just some of the Greek influence elements on Roman civilization. In addition to the above, Greek influence was also recorded by the Roman government and their laws. During the middle of the fifth century BC, the Romans sent their envoys in a spasm to copy Solon's laws. The same delegation absorbed other knowledge related to Greek laws and later applied it in their institutions. The result of that visit was the creation of the Roman law of the Twelve Tables. With their engagement, Greek philosophers and thinkers made a huge contribution to the development of thought. The Romans, following the example of the greatest Greek thinkers, largely formed their laws and institutions.