All of the following are key hormones in muscle and bone formation except epinephrine.
Epinephrine is also known as adrenaline. It’s both a <u>hormone</u> and a <u>medication</u>. While cortisol, estrogen and growth hormone are key to muscle and bone formation, epinephrine has other functions. It’s released by the adrenal glands and some neurons in response to danger, excitement and stress. Epinephrine helps the body react to those emotions more quickly. It increases strength and awareness in stressful situations. It makes the heart beat faster and increases blood flow both to the brain and muscles. In excess it can be dangerous to the body.
To support good mental health you can go to therapy or therapuetic sessions, go to support groups in areas you would like to work on, eat right, exercise, have positive thoughts, surround yourself around people who make good choices, pray, etc
Was there mulitple choice? Watch their chest or abdomen rising, or using their wrists to check their breaths per minute.