<span>Telemachus was the son of Odysseus, and he was an infant when Odysseus left for Troy. While his father spends 20 years on a grand quest involving fighting and long voyages, Telemachus is more studious in nature. He spends those 20 years trying to learn about the father through interviews and investigation. Both men are vengeful and skillful archers, seeking to eliminate the suitors who have come to replace Odysseus during his travels.</span>
February 11,1990 from prison
people of the united states
Zak and Sara have been brother and sister, and since childhood, they hated sharing things like toys which developed to make Zak and Sara's inability to share an enduring issue. This has continued to adulthood and is an important issue to resolve as Zak cannot borrow Sarah's truck to do some yardwork neither can Zak agree to drop Sara at the airport.
A trust is a relationship that allows a third party, or trustee, to hold assets on behalf of a beneficiary.
I hope this helps! :)