The Register A of HSC12 is an 8-bit register.So the maximum value for 8 bit is 8 1's (11111111). So the decimal value for the maximum 8 bits is 255 but all the options given are in hexadecimal so among the given options only 0xFF has the value of 255 in decimal F=(1111)₂.So two F's make 8 bits and their decimal value is 255.
When using databases in a project, not everyone has the same access level, e.g the database admin may have the highest level of access (access to data on live mode), the software testers have their own level of access (access to data on test mode) and so on.
Raster Graphic is a bitmap. They are basically a grid of small pixels that make an image.
Option B i.e., mdsswitch# show Vsan membership is the correct option.
The following commands is used by the engineer because it displays the membership of the VSAN( virtual storage area network).
switch# command is used to enter the configuration mode. So, the engineer using the following commands to verify that the interfaces for the research department.