Hope this is helpful! Sorry if my answer is choppy.
Biotic and abiotic features are both important in ecosystems because for example, a biotic factor like a plant, relies on an abiotic factors like the rain and the sun. If the rain were non existent, then the plants would no longer be alive causing a chain reaction in the food system. Biotic factors like plants and animals that are non existent can also cause negative effects in biomes and ecosystems.
Natural selection and selective breeding can both cause changes in animals and plants. The difference between the two is that natural selection happens naturally, but selective breeding only occurs when humans intervene. For this reason selective breeding is sometimes called artificial selection.
The answer is cohesion. The high surface tension helps the paper clip (with much higher density) float on water. The property of a liquid that allows it to resist an external force, due to cohesive nature of its molecules. Cohesion refers to the attraction of molecules for molecules of the same kind. Water molecules have strong cohesive forces due to their ability to form hydrogen bond with each other.
a. disruption of mitotic spindle formation.
Vinblastine is a chemotherapeutic drug which is used to restrict cancer cell proliferation. During metaphase, it binds to microtubular proteins which play a very important role in mitotic spindle formation. If spindles will not form then during anaphase, the sister chromatids will not separate and mitosis will not take place. This is how hyper-proliferative cancerous cells are controlled from dividing and cancer is treated using this drug.
They are one of the only plants that sprouts up on molten lava