A house makes me think about my family because that's were we live. well not for long because were moving. moving makes me think of my best friend who moved away. Away makes me think about how far from my other friends I'll be. This makes me upset.
Hey (insert friend's name here),
The new school that I go to is really awesome. The teachers are nice the people are nice its way better than my old school. I've already made a ton of friends. It is kind of sad though. Everyone is so nice but its so boring. There is none f the exiting fights that my old school has. Everything seems perfect. So perfect it seems wrong. I can't seem to shake off the homesickness. Everyone is always supporting me but it just makes me feel more sad. Anyways I hope that you are having a great time too.
You name here
A symbol is anything that stands for, or represents, something else. In a story, a character, an action, an object, or an animal can be symbolic. Often these symbols stand for something abstract, like a force of nature, a condition of the world, or an idea.
hope this helps...
Art is any interpretation of the reality that surrounds man by an artist, who embodies said interpretation through an expression that can be visual, sculptural, musical, etc. Thus, painting, photography, sculpture, music, literature, etc. are examples of art.
As every artist makes an interpretation of the context in which he lives, and life in society is necessarily governed by politics, all artistic expression is in no way linked to politics. Thus, art can express the artist's approval or rejection of the ideology or the politician of the day, but it will always be in some way influenced by the events in the artist's environment, which are generated by the actions of the politicians of the day.