1. Horsing around can lead to breaking equipment in the classroom or somebody getting hurt
2. leaving your backpack on the floor can cause someone to fall
3.something unexpected may happen and worsen the problem
4. it can corrupt the computer's files and deleted unsaved work.
if you want the sentences to be longer, add some words to them and make the message the same.
The answers of the following are:
1. The answer is Linux. It is not an Operating System.
2. Windows XP 2000 and Windows XP Home Edition have the same interface design.
3. Linux is the operating systems which is considered to be open source.
4. Mac OS is an operating system which is considered to be the most popular with graphic and multimedia designers
5. The software programis the number and variety of programs available for a particular operating system.
Please see the attached file for the complete answer.
a variable of type "double" is more suitable for finding average because average could be any number with decimal places. we can't use a variable of type "integer" because it will omit the value after the decimal and will not produce satisfactory results.
an example of C++ code is given to find the average of two numbers a and b
#include <iostream>;
using namespace std;
int main() {
double a = 2.334;
double b = 34;
double average = (a + b) / 2;
cout << average;
return 0;
Maturity Stage – During the maturity stage, the product is established and the aim for the manufacturer is now to maintain the market share they have built up. This is probably the most competitive time for most products and businesses need to invest wisely in any marketing they undertake. They also need to consider any product modifications or improvements to the production process which might give them a competitive advantage. i think this would be the best time for the company to purchase an emerging technology.