Stem tubers grow from rhizomes or runners that swell from storing nutrients while root tubers propagate from roots that are modified to store nutrients and get too large and produce a new plant. Examples of stem tubers are potatoes and yams and examples of root tubers are sweet potatoes and dahlias.
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The cell cycle is controlled by many cell cycle control factors, namely cyclins, cyclin-dependent kinases (Cdks) and cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors (CKIs). Cyclins and Cdks, which are positive regulators of the cell cycle, activate cell cycle factors that are essential for the start of the next cell cycle phase.
Listen to pronunciation. (sel-SY-kul REH-gyoo-LAY-shun) Any process that controls the series of events by which a cell goes through the cell cycle. During the cell cycle, a cell makes a copy of its DNA and other contents, and divides in two.
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<span>The nearness of an indwelling urinary catheter and a
ceaseless bladder water system are standard postoperative desires after a TURP;
they accommodate hemostasis and urinary discharge. A stomach entry point and
dressing are available with a suprapubic, not transurethral, prostatectomy.
After a TURP the customer at first can expect hematuria and some blood
coagulations; the persistent bladder water system keeps the bladder free of
clumps and the catheter patent.</span>