I believe the foramen is located in between spinal nerve roots.
Yes, the statement is right because in chemical war, great damage occurs to all living organisms that has a bad effect on our environment. These chemicals are very dangerous so its usage in the war has long term effects on the environment and the organisms that live in it. Both the opponents receive great damage from this chemical war and the destruction of the natural beauty of the place vanished where this war occurs so this vanished of beauty and organisms is the defeat of both the opponents that fought this war.
Ethonal is produced during b. Alcohol fermentation that converst sugars into ethanol.
La importancia de la ADN en la celula es que la ADN contiene las instrucciones para construir las proteinas del ADN.
La ADN tambien se puede replicar y hacer copias de ella misma en cual esto es importante porque las celulas se dividen y necesitaran una copia del ADN original para poder crear mas celulas.