Answer:B) homologous chromosomes trade pieces of dna
Crossing over occurs between two homologous chromosome of sisters chromatid. Crossing over leads to exchange of genetic material between the two sister chromatids leading to recombination.
proteins increase metabolism and repairing damaged cells
A.) ethical is a concern raised
12-day litter weight is a trait that has an important genetic influence and therefore also a high response to selection
Heritability is a statistical measure of how much of the variation in a given trait can be attributed to genetic differences and how much of trait variation is due to environmental factors. A heritability value close to 1 indicates that almost all of the variability is due to genetic factors, while being poorly influenced by environmental factors. In this case, 12-day litter weight is a trait that exhibits an important genetic component (i.e., a high heritability value), thereby the correlation between parent and offspring will be high and lines selected for this trait will show a high response to selection.