There is no way to define the 'best' site. Each site offers a unique experience along with the fact it might not display the same information as the other ones. The APEX site (As far as I know, it is a school test site) Won't really be able to help unless you are willing to do a few tests. I would go for
The Changes to Camera Technology over the last 70 years. The technology that the modern camera is based on was created several hundred years ago. ... The company would then reload the camera with new film and send it back to the consumer so they could take more pictures with it.
a. True
The Binary Search algorithm works by testing a mid-point, then eliminating half of the list.
Yes because when you are continued or addicted to a certain drug (alcohol) you can get addicted to harder substances
A server can have many definitions, but in this particular case, the answer is A.