Answer: the continue numbering feature can be used to maintain the numbering order in a list and the restart at 1 feature can be used to make a new list
is this a multipe choice question? or should i answer what i would think is dangerous about driving down hill?
please elaborate so i can answer better! :D
In psuedocode it would be:
length = input()
width = input()
area = length * width
print(area + " sq ft");
Answer: Clients
A Client refers to a computer that is able to connect to a server usually in a network in order to access the services provided by that server.
When a user tries to access the internet, the Client accesses the relevant server and requests the information that the user is requesting. The server then sends this to the client which then formats it in the way that the user can understand. The client is thus the direct connection to the internet.