D. A duck flies to another pond.
The above sentence is an example of emigration. Emigration refers to moving from one area to another for a long or permanent period. In this instance, a duck is leaving the pond it originally resided in (along a population other ducks) in order to reside in another pond. Therefore, it can be said that the duck "emigrated".
It is a common condition that includes overgrowth of atypical bacteria in the vagina
It is characterized by vaginal discharge that is when a fluid flows out from the vaginal opening with an abnormal odor or consistency and sometimes pain, the normal microflora of the female reproductive organs includes Gardenella, lactobacillus, Bacteroides, peptostreptococcus, fusobacterium , eubacterium, as well as a number of other types, some of the factors that may contribute to an abnormal increase of these bacteria or make them become unbalanced can be multiple or new sexual partners although some experts are skeptical about this; IUDs , recent antibiotic use, vaginal douching, and smoking. It is not dangerous but can cause discomfort symptoms.
Autotroph is an organism that creates its own food. A heterotroph is an organism that relies on an autotroph for food. Example: Autotroph=plant Heterotroph=Deer
Sometimes called the rest and digest system, the parasympathetic system conserves energy as it slows the heart rate, increases intestinal and gland activity, and relaxes sphincter muscles in the gastrointestinal tract...
I hope this helps you with what you were looking for!! Good luck on your assignment!