all of the above
Water biomes describe all the living things living in an area of water such as a lake or ocean. The surrounding environment plays a huge part in what organisms able to live there.
For example, green plants and algae require sufficient sunlight and oxygen to perform photosynthesis. Green plants and algae are an important food source for many other organisms. The amount of salt is important for various fish, as they will be unable to survive in very high salt concentrations. Therefore, all of the above are limiting factors.
If there's this picture in the question, the right answer is metaphase.
A metaphase qualifies a phase of meiosis or mitosis (following prophase and preceding anaphase) during which chromosomes, or at least kinetochores, align with the equatorial plate of the spindle. At this stage, chromosomes are at their maximum condensation and karyotypes are usually established. In the first division of meiosis, the metaphase represents the phase during which meiotic analysis is usually accomplished.
An undifferentiated cell is such as that in a blastocyte. They are multipotent and can differentiate into any type of cells. The cells of the mass begin to have their gene differentially expressed (due to differential silencing of particular genes) hence the cell become determined. They become well organized into tissue such as skin and other organs.
KIA tubes and SIM tube in this exercise to determine whether or not your unknown produced H2S.
<h3>What gas is produced by Salmonella?</h3>
F0F1 ATP synthase activity is necessary for Salmonella typhimurium to produce hydrogen sulfide and fermentative gases.
<h3>H2S production by Salmonella enterica?</h3>
Infections with Salmonella enterica continue to have a serious impact on global public health. H2S-negative Salmonella have lately surfaced, despite the fact that the capacity of S. enterica to produce H2S is an essential phenotypic trait utilized to screen and identify Salmonella with selective media.
<h3>H2S is it produced by Shigella?</h3>
Shigella do not create H2S, hence colonies on Hektoen agar appear bluish-green rather than having the black center seen with Salmonella. Shigella are comparatively biochemically inactive and do not ferment lactose or xylose.
learn more about Salmonella here
the question you are looking for is
The ability of Salmonella to produce H2S is one characteristic that helps differentiate it from Shigella. List the three opportunities you had in this exercise to determine whether or not your unknown produced H2S.
KIA tubes and SIM tube
The choloroplast hosts the enzymatic machinery that carries out photosynthesis. These proteins are embedded in the thylakoid membranes of the chloroplast. Of these proteins PSII and PSI contain chlorophyll molecules.