Elemento químico, S, de número atómico 16. Los isótopos estables conocidos y sus porcentajes aproximados de abundancia en el azufre natural son éstos: 32S (95.1%); 33S (0.74%); 34S (4.2%) y 36S (0.016%). La proporción del azufre en la corteza terrestre es de 0.03-0.1%. Con frecuencia se encuentra como elemento libre cerca de las regiones volvánicas (depósitos impuros).
Stabilize the elbow in the position found and transport
Whenever we need to transport a person with a serious fracture, such as the fracture shown in the question, we must be careful not to worsen the state of the fractured bones during the approach to the nearest hospital. In the case of the man who fell and fractured his left elbow, the most appropriate thing to do before transporting the man to the hospital is to stabilize the elbow in the position found and transport the man to the hospital.
<span> 1. Word root
2. Suffix
3. Prefix
4. Combining vowel.</span>
Pharmacy is the science and technique of preparing and dispensing drugs <span>Prof. </span>William Procter (1817-1872) founded the American Pharmaceutical Association in 1852 . He is known as the father of pharmacy. Pharmacy<span> is an independent science from the first third of the 19th century. Before that she was part from the medicine.
The professions of pharmacy and medicine began to split during the first third of the 19th century.</span>