because church's were not allowing it.
Americans are better at recognizing anger, fear, and sadness compared to Japanese but accuracy for happiness or surprise does not differ.
Japanese people tend to shy away from overt displays of emotion, and rarely smile or frown with their mouths Yuki explained because the Japanese culture tends to emphasize conformity humbleness and emotional suppression, traits that are thought to promote better relationships. May 10, 2007
In a large number of studies,3, 8, 9 some aspects of emotion have been shown to be culturally different because emotion is not only biologically determined but also influenced by environment and social or cultural situations. The role of culture in emotion experience has also been stressed in sociology theories.
Learn more about Japanese here
Social learning theory approach to personality emphasizes the importance of observation and learning.
Personality is the characteristic units of behaviors, cognitions, and emotional styles which might be fashioned from organic and environmental elements, and which trade over time.
Persona refers to the long-lasting traits and conduct that comprise a person's particular adjustment to life, such as main traits, pastimes, drives, values, self-concept, abilties, and emotional styles.
Learn more about personality
The answer is:
The U.S. Government has allowed emerging adults to remain on their parents health insurance until age 26.
Quick information:
Emerging adulthood is a period between 18 to 25. Most identity exploration takes place in emerging adulthood rather than adolescence. In the Western cultures, many young people are no longer adolescents but have not yet fully achieved full independence on adults.
The team is experiencing "Groupthink"
Groupthink occurs when a group of individuals reaches a consensus without critical reasoning or evaluation of the consequences or alternatives.
Groupthink is based on a common desire not to upset the balance of a group of people. This desire creates a dynamic within a group whereby creativity and individuality tend to be stifled in order to avoid conflict.
Groupthink is not always problematic. In the best cases, it allows a group to make decisions, complete tasks, and finish projects quickly and efficiently. In the worst cases, it leads to poor decision-making and inefficient problem-solving.