The Lineweaver- Burk plot is representation of Lineweaver-Burk equation of enzyme kinetics in graphical plot that is presented by the Hans Lineweaver and Dean Burk.
In the presence of a non competitive inhibitor shows higher y-intercept than a control in absence of any inhibitor whereas the x intercept is the same as the control that suggests or tells that maximum enzyme activity of the reaction is decreased, Higher Y intercept than controls means that it is same as 1/Vmax. The X intercept indicates that there is no effect on Km of the enzyme reaction.
Tight or occluding junctions This type of junction is also called zonula occludens and is the most apical structure in the epithelial cell. Zonula occludens describes, that there is a formed band of tight junctions which encircles every cell.
The key factor in determining the habitable zone of a planet is looking for a Earth-like planet that is able to have water on it's surface, and make sure that it can still give or support life.
Hope this helps!