Slavic and Scandinavian countries are very rich in resources, and Russia wanted to control most trade in Europe until the collapse of the Soviet Union. More trade = More power and they were still recovering after the HARD losses when the Germans' invaded Leningrad and the war.
é uma situação em que uma única empresa domina a oferta de determinado produto ou serviço.
The last answer because he was trying to start the "league of nations"
Hard money is governed by regulation. It is a complex procedure that no doubt involves tax considerations.
Soft money avoids all these complications by just contributing to the democratic party itself. Probably this is the answer that is intended.
Patrick Henry was not a contributor to the Federalist papers. John Jay, James Madison and Alexander Hamilton all helped author the documents. In fact, Patrick Henry (a founding father from Virginia) opposed the federalist movement, and feared that federalism would turn the new nation into a monarchy.