Mezquita, Cordoba
Mezquita, Mosque of Cordoba, Spain
Manorialism, also called manorial system, seignorialism, or seignorial system, political, economic, and social system by which the peasants of medieval Europe were rendered dependent on their land and on their lord. Its basic unit was the manor, a self-sufficient landed estate, or fief that was under the control of a lord who enjoyed a variety of rights over it and the peasants attached to it by means of serfdom. The manorial system was the most convenient device for organizing the estates of the aristocracy and the clergy in the Middle Ages in Europe, and it made feudalism possible.
The answer is:
The following options benefit African consumers but not African farmers.
I. Subsidies to keep crop prices low
IV. Availability of imported grains
<em>If you were to subsidize to keep prices low, consumers would benefit exclusively because the would pay a fixed rate for their farm products. On the other hand farmers would be affected because we don't know many factors that would influence this decission. Some of these factors may be.</em>
<em>- Will there be a price fixed for certain products</em>
<em>- Will the grains be cash crops</em>
<em>- Will farmers be allowed to rotate crops</em>
<em>Without knowing these factors one can only assume that when you susidize a crop the conditions imposed on the farmers may or may not be ideal.</em>
<em>When it comes to the availability of imported grains, some of these grains may be even cheaper than local grains. This may have a negative effect on local farmers who cannot lower their prices at a loss. Consumers would definitely benefit by paying lower prices from imported crops.</em>
By extending their arguments to address entire nations, some social Darwinists justified imperialism on the basis that the imperial powers were naturally superior and their control over other nations was in the best interest of human evolution.
Ethnocentric: Imperial nations sometimes believed that their cultural values or beliefs were superior to other nations or groups. Imperial conquest, they believed, would bring successful culture to inferior people. Empires sought strategic territory to ensure access for their navies and armies around the world.