The Categorical Imperative, was the philosophical view of moral actions and behavior in people, according to Immanuel Kant, its creator. Basically, this philosophy states that there are universal truths that cannot be altered, or changed, by absolutely anything: not by culture, not by genetics, not by learning, and much less by the beliefs of the majority. A truth is what it is, and it must be obeyed as the utmost "right", not merely what is "good".
In contrast to Kant´s philosophy, which was born from Kant´s displeasure with how the society of his time behaved, it was hypothetical imperatives that would dictate how people needed to behave to be considered moral. These hypothetical imperatives were truths that were dependent on certain circumstances, and on empirical knowledge, and therefore, were bound to change given certain conditions. This was something that Kant could not tolerate and thus fed his need to create his Categorical Imperative philosophy.
However, even during his own time Kant´s philosophy was criticized and questioned. And one person who did that was Benjamin Constant, who proposed the idea of the Inquiring Murdered. He said that if Kant´s philosophy of moral behavior was absolute, then when a murdered asked a question, he should be given the TRUTH, because that woud be what was universally held as morally right. But if that truth led to the murderer finding his victim, then, what did the philosophy told people was right to do? This questioning showed even Kant that there were instances in which due to the nature of the situation, lying would not be held as wrong, but rather, as the correct measure to act morally.
James fannin I think that’s correct
Answer:Self-fulfilling prophecy
Self-fulfilling prophecy, this is when we believe and expect something to happen which is originally a false expectation but which actual end up confirming itself. According to self fulfilling prophecy when we expect certain things from people or from an individual they will start behaving in a way that will fulfill our expectations.
For example Megan has been placed in an advanced track by her teachers as a result she knows they are expecting the best from her and she start to score high marks and even qualifies for college.
B) Eros; Thanatos
Freud identifies two fundamental drives: <em>Eros </em>a drive to live, with a counterpart , a drive to die: <em>Thanatos</em>.
He uses both terms to identify drives related to survival: instincts, like hunger, thrist, and sexual drives.
The death instincts on the other hand, often engage in conflict , as they represent a "inner desire for dying", represented in irrational manners : hurting others, hurting onelself, murder.
He then applies these forces in the study of the subconscious mind in psychoanalysis.
Well by breaking it down first I see the word mass; that means large or big. Incarceration typically means to be puut into jail. So by putting them together you get, a big amount of people put in jail