A seals flippers has finger bones when a birds wing is just a bone connected to other joints.
I’m pretty sure it’s water, oxygen, and food. beacuse food provided both nutrients and an energy source.
the fine transparent tubular sheath which envelops the fibres of skeletal muscles.
Bioremediation is the process of using living organisms to detoxify a location. Microbes are used to clean up contaminated soil and groundwater. The organisms that are used in this process are: bacteria, fungi, archaea. For example, b<span>acteria are introduced to the area of the spill where they break down the hydrocarbons of the oil into carbon dioxide;</span>..
Answer: Good examples of local winds are sea breezes and land breezes, and mountain and valley breezes. Local winds cover very short distances. Global winds are really large air masses that are created mainly as a result of the earth's rotation, the shape of the earth and the sun's heating power.