changes in temperature that happen with increasing altitude.
And it makes sense that some people, seemingly surviving by dumb luck, would feel they acted selfishly in not trying to help those less fortunate. It definitely is selfish to act that way; to put one's own survival ahead of others
Placer mining can be less damaging to the environment than surface mines, as the sediment is returned to the water after the minerals have been extracted.
Mitochondrial disease can cause a vast array of health concerns, including fatigue, weakness, metabolic strokes, seizures, cardiomyopathy, arrhythmias, developmental or cognitive disabilities, diabetes mellitus, impairment of hearing, vision, growth, liver, gastrointestinal, or kidney function, and more.
They have the same 32 they are diploid. Meiosis makes haploid cells so there would only be 16.