Answer: Prey for the rabbits would decrease greatly; there would be less food for the frogs and voles, so their populations would decrease. This means less food for the foxes and hawks.
Small, but normal variations in genes may produce proteins that work differently from those of other individuals ( friends or relatives). This may affect how we respond to different medicines. The extent to which these proteins functions varies from one individual to another. Example; certain painkillers only work when body proteins convert them from an inactive form to an active one. If these proteins work too fast, the drug will be eliminated from the body before it has time to work. To do their job the pain killers need to bind and modulate a target body protein, the receptor, such that if the target body protein is altered the pain killer might not be able to bind.
If this is the same test/ quiz I have here's the answers to all of them if you need them!!
Question Answer
The most specific level of taxonomy is? species
The most general level of taxonomy is? kingdom
Two organisms within the same genus can be organized into several related… species
What factors do the Kingdoms Protista, Plantae, Fungi, and Animalia have in common? eukaryotic
Which kingdom contains organisms that have cell walls of chitin and cannot photosynthesize? fungi
In which of the following Kingdoms or Domains would an organism NOT have a cell wall? animalia
Which kingdom contains NO consumers? plant
An amoeba is an example of? protist
Cell wall is made of peptidoglycan? bacteria
I am eukaryotic, have a cell wall made of cellulose, and can be an autotroph or heterotroph. What am I? Protist
I like extreme heat, acidic, or salty environments. What am I? archae
My main job in an ecosystem in decomposing? fungi
I have a cell wall and am autotrophic only. What am I? Plant
I usually cause disease but sometimes can be helpful? bacteria
I am eukaryotic, do not have a cell wall, and heterotrophic. What am I? animal
I photosynthesize and main source of energy for ecosystems? plant