Decellularization is the process used in biomedical engineering to isolate the extracellular matrix (ECM) of a tissue from its inhabiting cells, leaving an ECM scaffold of the original tissue, which can be used in artificial organ and tissue regeneration. Organ and tissue transplantation treat a variety of medical problems, ranging from end organ failure to cosmetic surgery. One of the greatest limitations to organ transplantation derives from organ rejection caused by antibodies of the transplant recipient reacting to donor antigens on cell surfaces within the donor organ. Because of unfavorable immune responses, transplant patients suffer a lifetime taking immunosuppressing medication.
have curved protofilaments at their plus ends
Microtubules are polymers of tubulin proteins that function as the cytoskeleton of eukaryotic cells. Microtubules are dynamic structures that can grow and shrink at a rapid rate. During this process, tubulin subunits can associate and dissociate at the plus end of the protofilament. Tubulin subunits bind to two GTP molecules, one of which is hydrolyzed to GDP after assembly. When microtubules are unstable, protofilaments curl outwards because GDP-bound tubulin has a weak affinity (thereby curving it) and disassemble. The dynamic stability of microtubules is regulated by a feedback loop: when microtubules shrink, free tubulin concentration increases and microtubules start to grow. As microtubules grow, free tubulin concentration decreases and the rate of GTP-tubulin addition also decreases.
Its just like Water drops on a pine needle or on anything else, Cohesion is when water is attracted to water. Therefor its Adhesion, because that's when water is attracted to other things or substances.
It’s C 350 million years ago.
The main goal of metabolism is for the ultimate release of energy. Energy is simply a function of the ability to do work. In this context, we consider energy in one of it forms, chemical energy.
The chemical energy obtained through digestion of food mostly in the form of glucose is the fuel for almost all of life's processes. This chemical form of energy serves as the power house for our functioning.
Energy is required by the brain to power it and carry out its function. Without energy being supplied to the brain, there won't be a living being.
Energy is needed for locomotion and other life activities. The muscles, bones and other appendages gets their coordination power from the energy released during metabolic processes.
It can be said that all life activities revolves round how organisms obtains and utilize energy.
Nutrients are the nourishment we derive from feeding. The nutrients helps to build our body parts e.g proteins. Energy are derieved from carbohydrates. Fats and oil are also energy sources and they help life functions. Vitamins and minerals supplies needed materials to make everyday life activities successful.