Tablets have a longer shelf life and come in a variety of forms. They can also accommodate a higher dose of an active ingredient than a capsule. They tend to be slower acting and, in some cases, may disintegrate unevenly in your body. Capsules act quickly and most, if not all, of the drug is absorbed
Intrusion on movement
When the external fetal monitor is applied to the abdomen of a pregnant lady, movement is discouraged. Because, movement may alter the tracing of fetus and the nurse may not exactly know the heart rate, Respiration rate and movement of fetus. Hence, the mother should remain static so that the true movement and breathing of fetus can be matched with the monitor reading accurately.
If the infant stops responding, position them on a firm, flat surface, and yell for help. Check for breathing and begin CPR. After 15 compressions, open the airway and look for a foreign object. If visible, remove it and attempt to ventilate with two breaths.