People should always consider what if it was happening to you or your loved ones.
the son of a nazi started a friendship with a child in stripped pajamas (his nazi provided rags). the rich and powerful family's son seeing inaccurate information about what was occuring on the other side of the fence enticed him and his new friend to get a pair of stripped pajamas for the rich boy to wear and go under the fence. now trapped, he saw the lies, torture etc. until a whole bunch of people including both boys were sent to the gas Chambers. too late for the Nazi family to save their precious child.
Yes, Tricki was very happy to go home. As soon as it saw her, it jumped out of the narrator's arms and leapt into Mrs Pumphrey's lap as soon as it saw her. It
licked her and barked. After this, if Mrs Pumphrey takes good care of the dog and does not feed it a lot, it will be as healthy as it is at the end of the story.
Let it be a good answer.
In visual rhetoric, the choice of an unusual text font not only affects readability but also may prevent your message from getting through at all if the audience finds it too distracting.
That no one can ever measure up to God.