They no longer had slaves to do all the work 4 them
Creoles were born in the americas but descended from Spain.
The first amendment gives citizens the freedom of Speech,press, religion and petition. One of the most important freedoms humans should have.
In my mind the right to free speech is one of if not the most important one we have. The idea that we can speak out against a government or even against a particular elected individual and not be afraid of reprisals is so important.
I find it to be somewhat troubling that this right is more limited than we think it is, most people cannot speak out against their employers (even though there are some very minor whistle-blowing protections) because anything of that nature is grounds for dismissal.
Difference of government philosophy and differing sects of Islam.
For the Iranian Revolution, the question of a secular versus religious government was of concern. The government being overthrown was more secular and Western influence was there. The revolutionaries were fundamentalists who wanted religion to return to the government.
In the Iraq-Iran War, it was a difference of religious sides within Islam. Iraq is more Sunni and Iran is more Shi'a. These sects have a long history of conflict and the difference in religion and politics influenced the war. Also the question of western influence in the area was of concern.
It was primarily the "B. Young American" movement that was in favor of U.S. expansion in Latin America, although it should be noted that there were others who were in favor of such expansionism as well.