It regulates temperature, glucose, toxins, blood pressure, and pH.
TemperatureThe body must maintain a relatively constant temperature. If it gets too hot, the body employs vasodilation to cool down. This dilates the blood vessels, allowing more heat to escape from them through the skin.
GlucoseThe body must regulate glucose levels to stay healthy. When glucose levels become too high, the body releases a hormone called insulin. When they become too low, the body converts the glycogen in the blood to glucose.
ToxinsToxins in the blood can disrupt the body's homeostasis. Thus, it signals the urinary system to ensure that the toxins are excreted.
Blood PressureThe body must maintain healthy levels of blood pressure. To do so, the brain sends signals to the heart to speed up or slow down according to the blood pressure.
pHThe lungs control the pH amount in the body. If pH levels become unbalanced, the lungs push more or less carbon dioxide out of the diaphragm. This can raise or lower pH levels in the body.</span>
The correct answer is B terpentation
Trepanation consisted on drilling a hole on a person's skull to relieve the pressure of blood after an injury and treat intercranial diseases. It is presumed this surgery exists from the Neolithic Age and has been done first by Egyptians, Greeks, Romans and Indians.