Industrialization played a major role in World War 1. It allowed for new machinery to be produced and at a much fast rate than ever before. This increase in technology combined with old war tactics led to total carnage that shocked the world.
As true God he brings God to mankind. As true man he brings mankind to God. Most Christians generally consider Jesus to be the Christ, the long-awaited Messiah, as well as the one and only Son of God.
<span>-in a report, called "Instances of the Use of United States Armed Forces Abroad 1798-1945", 103 interventions in the affairs of other countries between 1798 and 1895 were cited
-expansionism was increasingly encouraged by the millionaire press, the military, the gov't, the eager-to-please scholars of the time
-ideology of expansion was widespread in the upper circles of military men, politicians, businessmen, and among some of the leaders of farmers' movements who though foreign markets would help them.</span>
Because if you have a industrial and agricultural surplus then ultimately the demand for goods would drop as well as the price of that surplus