There are 15.9 million hectares (over 60,000 square miles) of mangrove forests in the warm waters of tropical oceans all over the world. Along the Atlantic coast they are found from Florida all the way down to Argentina. Mangroves grow on both the western and eastern coasts of Africa.
a. the spacing effect
The spacing effect: In psychology, the term spacing effect was first introduced by a German psychologist named Hermann Ebbinghaus, and is defined as the phenomenon which suggests that the long-term memory of an individual is increased when the learning related to different events are being spaced apart in interval of time instead of occurrence in immediate succession.
Example: Remembering items in a list.
In the question above, the given statement illustrates the spacing effect.
by increasing the number of blue widgets supplied
Conflict arose because Arabs thought the British had promised them Palestine with the McMahon Agreement and Jews thought the British had promised them Palestine as a homeland with the Balfour Declaration. The Mandate System was created when the Treaty of Versailles was signed in 1919.