U.S Supreme Court
The Supreme Court is the highest rank court in America. It was created under Article 3 of the United States Constitution, which also gives Congress authority to legislate setting up a system of lower courts. In the current system of the federal court, there are 107 of these lower courts in both district and trial levels.
Basically, areas without much plant life have low chlorophyll concentration. In this case, extreme climates characterizes these areas. Specifically, the desert, polar tundra, and high mountain ridges are three areas which have low chlorophyll concentrations. The main characteristics are that they have no soil, shallow soil, or soil that lacks in nutrients, which makes it not suitable for plants to grow; they also have limited water available. Since chlorophyll is contained in vegetation, any area without plants will lack chlorophyll. Hope this helps!
Answer: Desert, Polar Tundra, and High Mountain Ridges because of lack of soil or nutrient in the soil, and lack of water.
Well.... this is kind of a weird one to answer. If the great flooding is what you believe in then it would be true but if you don't believe in that it would be false. It really depends on your religious standpoint
Unions are working toward helping workers attain a better life.
Answer: A. the insufficient justification effect.