Answered below
//Program is written in Python programming //language.
number_of_trees = int(input ("Enter number of trees purchased: "))
height_of_trees = float(input("Enter height of trees: "))
delivery_status = input("Do you want trees delivered? enter yes or no ")
price_of_two_meters = 20
total_price = number_of_trees * price_of_two_meters
print (number_of_trees)
print (total_price)
print (delivery_status)
SELECT paintname, COUNT(paintname) as count_paintname
FROM paint
GROUP BY paintname HAVING COUNT(paintname) > 2
ORDER BY paintname
The structured query language or SQL statement returns two columns of paintname and the count of the distinct paint names in the paint table with rows of grouped paint names greater than two and in the ascending order of the names.
Plagiarism is quite a bad thing because if you plagiarize, you are copying and pasting other people's work and using the work as yours (even though you change the sentence structure/ some words, it is still plagiarizing.) Fair use means un-biasness.
Resources, RAM
May be another choice for resources but the second one is definently RAM
In word there is a setting where you can mange all of user's permission in the document. These are a few permission settings: Read only and Can edit.