El sistema nervioso tiene dos partes principales: El sistema nervioso central está compuesto por el cerebro y la médula espinal. El sistema nervioso periférico está compuesto por todos los nervios que se ramifican desde la médula espinal y se extienden a todas las partes del cuerpo.
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There is a 50 percent chance that daughters carry the gene and can pass it to the next generation. There is a 50 percent chance that a daughter will not carry the gene and, therefore, cannot pass it on. There is a 50 percent chance that sons do not have the gene and will be healthy.
C; Oxygen concentration
Oxygen is product, not a reactant in photosynthesis. Light and carbon dioxide are reactants, and extreme temperatures can denature the plant.
Vegetative propagation by means of mitotic division can lead to the formation of new individuals which are then genetically identical to each other and the mother organism
The central nervous system is what connects your spinal cord to your brain and the rest of your body.