How was Bohr's atomic model similar to Rutherford's model?
it described a nucleus surrounded by a large volume of space.
NEAR remained in this orbit for 10 days and then was backed out in stages to a 100 km circular orbit by September 5, 2000. Maneuvers in mid-October led to a flyby of Eros within 5.3 km of the surface at 07:00 UT on October 26.
Launch date: February 17, 1996 20:43:27 UTC; ...
Closest approach: June 27, 1997 12:56 UTC; .
b because I learned it in 4th grade
<h2>Gelatin </h2>
Gelatin is a differential medium which tests the ability of an organism to produce an exoenzyme, called gelatinase (this enzyme hydrolyzes gelatin)
When gelatin is at a temperature below 32°C (or within a few degrees thereof), it is a semisolid material and at temperatures above 32°C, it is a viscous liquid
When gelatin is broken down, it can no longer solidify and if an organism can break down gelatin, the areas where the organism has grown will remain liquid even if the gelatin is refrigerated
No the conclusion by student is not right because the tube must be runny after incubation followed by refrigeration to be considered gelatinase positive