It encouraged people to use reason to solve problems.
She was expected to give her job up to a man coming home and go back to being a housewife esentialy
As an administrative, legal, and field staff, one is responsible for many duties. A staff members' biggest duty is to help read and write legislation. Representatives do not have time to read and write everything for themselves, so the staff’s job is to go through much of the material and summarize it for them. In the role of field staff, one will be in charge of running the home office of the Congress member in his/her district. The field staff is in charge of all of the staff in this office, and communicating local concerns to the representative.
During World War II, the United States began to provide significant military supplies and other assistance to the Allies in September 1940, even though the United States did not enter the war until December 1941. Much of this aid flowed to the United Kingdom and other nations already at war with Germany and Japan through an innovative program known as Lend-Lease