The Sierra Madre mountains surround city & trap in polluted air.
The Union won the battle of Vicksburg
Content validity
Your friend, Tania, is asking your advice on her new study design. She is conducting a study on whether milk chocolate consumption prior to a memory task will improve recall performance as compared to consuming white chocolate. She decides to include three participants in each group. You tell her that she should likely have more participants or she will lack <u>content</u> validity. Content validity has to do with whether your research subjects or respondents are representative of all aspect of your research construct. Increasing the sample size or the number of replicates per treatment increases the construct validity by increasing the degree of freedom and reducing experimental error. Increasing the sample size will make the study a more representation of the entire study population.
Denied, because the officer has reason to believe that the car contained evidence of the crime for which the defendant was arrested
Motion is an application for a court order. motions are raised for several reasons. There are motions for an extension of time in which to respond to a complaint. While there are others raised to dismiss evidence or cases. It all depends on what the lawyer wants for thier client.
They can also relate to more substantial evidentiary issues such as motions for summary judgment. The court orders from motions raised may actually cancel or dispose of the entire case. For example, if a motion for summary judgment is granted, judgment is entered in favor of one party without further court proceedings, and the action in the trial court will end.