echidna and Ostriches lay eggs
The cloud develops all of our memory in our phones and computers and stores it for later use
Deforestation- "The action of clearing a wide area of trees."
The growth of human population would require more homes and resources for everyone. The more the population grows, the more resources required. Forests will be cut down and burned due to the need of more homes and food.
The PAX-6 gene is a gene that translates to the PAX-6 protein that serves as a transcription factor needed to activate certain genes that functions in the development of the eyes. While PAX-6 gene may look like it produces different functions for different species (such as formation of the compound eye in insects vs. formation of a single lens eye in vertebrates), it does not. It does in fact only regulate the genes required for the formation of the eyes. Absence or mutation of the PAX-6 gene will cause aniridia or absence of the iris, opaque lens and cornea, and a dysfunctional retina. Also, the function of the PAX-6 protein is conserved throughout evolution of species.