The two choices they had were either be subjectified to americanization , or give up their land and either relocate or be killed.
Answer:A counterculture
A counterculture is a subculture who holds values that are against the social norms and behaviours that are against what is acceptable within society
These groups opposes what the main society considers valuable.
It can be a religious cult,commune to even political parties.
Usually people form these subcultures because they all feel the same about things that need to be fought against such as rules and regulations that they may feel are oppressive to what the consider to be freedom.
These group aims at achieving those goals that the society seems to be fighting against.
Answer: World War II
Fascism developed in Italy primarily under the leader Benito Mussolini. It is associated with three political parties led by Mussolini: the Fascist Revolutionary Party (PFR) founded in 1915, the succeeding National Fascist Party (PNF), from 1921 to 1943 and the Republican Fascist Party from 1943 to 1945.
Italian fascism promoted Italian nationalism, syndicalism and national expansion. At the same time, it opposed liberalism and Marxist socialism. It also shared the racial overtones of Nazi ideology, and considered Italy the glorious descendant of Ancient Rome.