The correct answer is A. release of information.
The director of the Health Information Services Department is writing a memo regarding a recent problem the department is experiencing with a contracted copy service. She is called away unexpectedly, to attend an urgent hospital-wide department-head meeting. The memo must be completed by the end of the day; therefore, it is most appropriate for the director to delegate its completion to the supervisor of RELEASE OF INFORMATION.
They're the birth place of Democracy.
Ancient Greece was considered as the first civilizations that introduced the concept of Democracy.
The building in Ancient Greece was designed to accommodate a lot of audiences facing one specific direction where the speaker can present his/her case. The Roman civilization adopted this building and some principles from Greek's democracy.
American leaders in the past used these concept as a replacement for British' monarchy. They found that mimicking the building can be a source of inspiration that remind them about the core foundation of democratic government.
A,B and C
Explanation: affection , one need to be loved and love within the family structure and there is also a need for sexual activity and nurturing of one another.
Education one get proper education from school but also traditional education from home .
Recreation having fun and good time is also part of family functions where one has to feel at easy and enjoy themselves .