judical restraint
government being limite does not duarantee freedoms will be taken away,
freedom of religion is a freedom
separation of powers just makes sure not one branch of government gets to strong leaveing judicial restraint
Harappa is an archaeological site in Punjab, Pakistan, it is an ancient city in the early Indus river civilization, i think this was the reason for the civilization to be called as Harappa civilization..
Freud might argue that George is fixated at the an al stage.
The an al stage is characterized by learning about control and <em>exerting it through the control of the sphincters</em>. This is associated also with retention and<em> fear of losing control,</em> as well as fear of mess, in a way, thus preferring to have everything spotless.
A fixation during this stage is related to OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder).
George wants his cubicle to be spotless and everything is arranged according to a specific purpose and he gets agitated when something is rearranged, it can be concluded that George has OCD and is fixated on this stage.
Scientists can use the color of minerals to tell them apart.
Idiochromatic minerals <em>(self-colored) </em>due to their composition. The color is constant and predictable.
Allochromatic minerals <em>(other colored) </em>due to trace impurities or defects in their structure. The color is variable and unpredictable.
Pseudochromatic minerals <em>(false colored)</em> due to effects produced by light. The color is variable but a unique property of the mineral.