If the pacific ocean was rimmed by the ring of fire we can conclude that the plate boundaries are constantly moving
There is no picture of the bird.
Are synthesized from monomers by hydrolysis process
The benefits of artificial selection is that you've taken the traits that you desire from a plant or an animal that could benefit your own survival. (Much like our ancestors bred the highest/most efficient crops, leaving us in a good farming position today). However, the drawbacks of artificial selection is that you effectively destroy any natural selection or "survival of the fittest" thus reducing the gene pool. If a virus or bacteria was effective against a crop that we bred, it would destroy our entire farming industry (also works with animals that we breed).
Answer: Tidaling
It is rise and fall of water in water-seal chamber, used to determine the degree of re expansion of the lungs. It reduction shows the lungs reexpands.
However, with respiratory efforts it is normal.