If you plan to remove several components from the computer, it is best to save a back up files just so some files won't be lost and if you have ever corrupted your file. Another thing is to safely turn off your computer and have yourself provide pictures or to remember the cables that are placed in each switch before having to remove several components.
Option A
Thyroid is primarily caused by lack of iodine but there are other reasons as well that lead to increased size of the thyroid gland. Some of these reason is
a) over- or underproduction of thyroid hormones
b) Nodules in the glans
Some times, due to overstimulation immune system itself attack the thyroid gland thereby producing excess thyroxine and hence causing the thyroid to swell
Thus, Option A is correct
The job of the tendons is to connect the muscle to the bone. I hope this helps
The Parasite harms host
The parasite must adapt to beat host's defenses <span />