<span>Question : (TCO 9) Given what you have read and what you know about the con±icts between Israel andPalestine, what is the likelihood that the children will continue the cycle of violence in this land if nothing radically changes? ... Palestinian children Fght the government and the Israeli children back the military that puts ...</span><span>
when citizens want political independence
<span>o ask a still more obvious question, what is the purpose of this technological progress? What higher aim do we think it is serving? Surly the aim cannot be the integrity or happiness of our families, which we have made subordinate to the education system, the television industry, and the consumer economy. Surely it cannot be the integrity of health of out communities, which we esteem even less than we esteem our families. Surly it cannot be love of our country, for we are far more concerned about the desecration of the flag than we are about the desecration of our land. Surly it cannot be the love of God, which counts for at least as little in the daily order of business as the love of family, community, and country.</span>
the belief of some Christians that you should wear a cross as a symbol of your faith.