Temperature, precipitation, wind direction, wind speed, clouds (types and altitudes), atmospheric pressure, humidity, and visibility. It really depends on what you're forecasting but most of the time forecasters look for high/low-pressure systems in weather models and behavior of various winds at levels such as jet stream.
I am not sure , but the number of light colored should be less , because the forest is polluted and light colored will be more visible. Do they want numbers?
The best method for visually representing the data for comparison is a data table
If severe, anxiety and fear, can affect a client's condition during and after surgery. During the surgical process, an anxious client will respond poorly to the surgery .The patient may also be prone to other complications.
Extreme anxiety may cause unpleasant symptoms and stress such as a pounding heart, a racing heart (fast pulse), irregular heartbeat, nausea, a nervous stomach, shortness of breath and sleep problems. Also, during the surgical process, anxiety can make pain worse, as well as making it harder to cope with the pain.
In addition, anxiety can also make it harder to understand and remember important advices given to the patient about the operation, such as how to prepare for it or about recovering afterwards.
I believe the source of energy in the water cycle is the sun, seeing as how without it nothing else would work.