a. True
The Binary Search algorithm works by testing a mid-point, then eliminating half of the list.
You can list the numbers . keep listing them till you find the same numbers
// here is code in C++.
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// recursive function to find sum from 1 to n
int recur_Sum(int n)
{ // base condition
if (n <= 1)
return n;
// recursive call
return n + recur_Sum(n - 1);
// main function
int main()
// variables
int n;
cout<<"Enter a number:";
// read the number
// print the sum
cout<<"Sum of first "<<n<<" integer from 1 to "<<n<<" is:"<<recur_Sum(n);
return 0;
Read a number from user and assign it to variable "n".Call function recur_Sum() with parameter "n".This function will recursively call itself and find the Sum of first n numbers from 1 to n.Then function will return the sum.
Enter a number:10
Sum of first 10 integer from 1 to 10 is:55
(Remember, two colors are complementary if they are opposite each other ... colors are connected on the color wheel they form a rectangle.
best one i could find if worng am verys very sorry.